JimCatan dot DEE KAY !! (The Danmark Experience)

GODT DAG!!! piger og drengen fra Danmark!! aaaaand... that's as deep as my danish goes, undskyld mig... So, i've been living here for almost a month adapting to the lack of sun and freezing weather... but that's no reason to stop the party and meet quite the interesting crew. We've got people from all parts, mostly Spaniards Austrians and Mexicans (yep, we are a virus) and yesss... we got some Smukke danske piger, trans: Beautiful Danish girls!! so far I haven't been able to decode their M.O., but I'll get there. Meanwhile I've been busy snapping everything in front of me, we've had some nice parties and mixers. we even managed to pull a salsa-dancing tequila-shooting mexican-thriving party!! (pictures incl.) I'll be uploading more pictures, but if you got Facebook, please add me and tag yourselves, that way it'll be easier to know who's who (or whom?) you'll find me on FB as Jim Catan with the pretentious pic holding a camera ;).

I've had some comment's the website isn't working properly... I fixed a minor glitch, but if you find any problem please notify me.

Take good care and keep partying and visiting

PS the website is still ".net" not ".dk"

(Vi er dem, de andere ikke vil lege med!!)


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